Fact - Sunlight Also Makes Beautiful Things.

In my last post, I talked about how sunlight can damage things... but it also makes some really beautiful things, like these solar prints:

Photo from stuffachicken.blogspot.com 

Construction Paper Solar Fade Prints

photo from http://hellobeautifulblog.blogspot.com

Or even just a picture in your yard.  :)

LiLu Studios: Around the World &emdash;
Solar Flares, Steffens Photography, http://lilustudios.zenfolio.com

It makes beautiful shadowing:

LiLu Studios: Around the World &emdash; Shadows #3
Shadows #3, Steffens Photography, http://lilustudios.zenfolio.com

LiLu Studios: Around the World &emdash; Shadows #2
Shadows #2, Steffens Photography, http://lilustudios.zenfolio.com

LiLu Studios: Around the World &emdash; Solar Flare over Wildcat Canyon
Solar Flare over Wildcat Canyon, Steffens Photography, http://lilustudios.zenfolio.com

LiLu Studios: Around the World &emdash; Sunset
Sunset, Steffens Photography, http://lilustudios.zenfolio.com