So here's a little bit about what you can expect in the future from This Crafting Life!
- Soon will change in appearance. We'll have a new header, with our new name and a fantastic new design.
- Will also have new appropriate drop down options that will have combined both websites.
- Will hopefully be easier to sort and read as you please.
- Where before, LiLu Studios was mainly devoted to crochet and knitting posts, and Fantastic Finds for the Fam{ily} was devoted to children's crafts and deals for the family, now this blog will have it all.
- We will have a weekly yarn related post, whether it be a pattern, tutorial, or just some ramblings about the craft.
- Savings Saturday will be your day to find all the great freebies I've found around the web.
- Scouting Sunday will bring you all the great finds, for crafting, your life and whatever.
- Other random crafts, musings, and etc. will be put out at random points through the week.
Please don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions, and I hope to be back soon with everything up to date and some new posts for you!!