When I first started this blog, I attempted to do this series called Scouting Sunday.
It didn't go very well. I tried to pin myself down to one thing per a category and gave myself 5 different categories. I found it hard to focus on, as I'm a person who has to jump around randomly and find myself on different kicks on different days. So thus, I'm going to let this little "series" take on a life of it's own.
As I peruse the web on any given week, I'll mark my favorites and bring them all to you in one post. There might be just one thing a week, or there might be ten. It's going to be a total reflection of what is interesting me that week and wildly random.
So, without further adieu, here is your first edition of the New and Improved "Scouting Sunday"!!!
Click on the Pictures to see the tutorials!
*Note: All photo credits belong to the authors of the articles within the links. I claim no rights to these images, I'm merely just showcasing their work here on my blog. :)*

So first up on my list is a tutorial- for one of my favorite kinds of skirts to wear, ever. They're called tiered skirts, and they're made out of funky fabrics and I love the way they swish around your legs. If sometime this summer I can get my hands out of my garden and onto my sewing machine, one of these will be the first thing that I make :)
I love crafting with my kids, and lately my 5 year old has been in love with butterflies. She has already decorated our sliding glass door with about 10 different "species" and I think this would be a fun activity and a good way to reuse some old tissue paper that I've been holding onto. Think I'll try this on the next rainy day we're stuck inside!

Next up on my list is pantry planting! As I've grown up, I've become quite the gardener.... which is quite the change from the black thumb that I had growing up. That's not to say that I don't kill my fair share of plants still, but I've gotten much better. This year, I've been experimenting with pantry planting. I'll do some posts on how mine work out, but here's an interesting one on celery!
I'm always on the lookout for good holiday gifts. When I find one, I pin it. Maybe I make it, maybe I don't but I love going back and looking at these pins around the holidays to make personal gifts for everyone on my list. I love gifts with letters, sayings and photographs, and this one just says so much to me. I wonder who will get one as a present this year?

When I first saw this, My first conclusion was, wow, this is going to take a bit of sewing, and possibly more knowledge than I possess. When I looked at the tutorial, I was stunned. Super easy. Gears are now turning in my head about different wrap possibilities (I would prefer it over both shoulders) and wondering if I can somehow attach buttons, snaps, etc to give me a more secure feeling about wearing it in public. (velcro? hmmmm)
As I already said, I'm nutso about gardening. I found these today and wished that I could zap myself about a month in the past and not bought the cute little wooden markers at the dollar store. (They're cute, don't get me wrong, but these are just downright awesome.) Next year... totally doing this.

As a photographer, I'm always interested in new ways to display my photographs. I have a ton of them that hang all over the place, and love the clustered look of large groupings of pictures. This is just a pic of a grouping, but I like the way it looks and the idea of hanging them on shower rods is awesome.

I guess I'm going to have to start buying tic tacs in bulk now. :D
That's it for this weeks installment of Scouting Sunday! I hope you have enjoyed and do hope that you'll go visit all of these amazing websites that I brought to you today!
If you've been scouted, please feel free to snag a button to put on your website!!!