Sugar scrubs are so easy to make that it is ridiculous. I have to say that after making them for everyone, I will never buy another one for myself. The ones that I made came out wonderfully and I was so pleased to give them as gifts for everyone!
Begin my mixing 2 1/2 Cups of Sugar with 1 Cup of Extra Virgin Olive Oil.
Add in 4 Tablespoons of Lemon Juice {or scented essential oils to your liking- I made three varieties, Lemon, Peppermint and Jasmine}. This mixture will make enough to fill a 12oz. Mason Jar.
You can add color to the mix or any vitamin oils for the extra benefit to your skin, such as Vitamin E or B (or really any that you desire).
The sugar and the oil will separate, so instruct your gift receivers to stir the mix thoroughly before using!