New Series Intro: Unhinged Intelligence

 So where I work for my "pay the bills" job has been really pushing AI learning in our workplace. I've attended several trainings on it and am having fun playing with it. Do I really ever see it taking over in many of the things I do? No. Do I see it as a useful tool to play around with and get ideas? Yes.

I had this funny thought - how could I push AI in funny ways? I started really simple and just asked it to share with me something funny that I wouldn't expect to see on a cross stitch sampler. I got a few good results, but I didn't do anything with it for a while. One day when I had a little bit of time, I revisited those results and made something fun with them.

Introducing my new series, Unhinged Intelligence

I am going to try to do something in this series one time per month. Every pattern or printable that I make will be added to the Patreon library so you all can access it as part of your membership. In addition, I'm going to add it as an item that can be purchased and half of all the proceeds will go to charity, on behalf of the AI's role in producing the pattern.

A video about the first release should have just released on TikTok - but here it is:

Welcome to our Circus!

Watch the TikTok release here:

And if you aren't a Patreon supporter, you can buy the pattern here at my Etsy shop:

For Patreon supporters, these files will be added to the Library in the next day or so!!! :)

Let me know what you think! I'm excited to do more funny things with AI!

Hat Pattern Book Update!

 It is spooky month, one of my favorite times of year! I love it when the leaves start to change and the air gets really crisp. I have a great month of stuff planned, art I'm working on, art and patterns I'm excited to release and looking ahead to the next few months in my studio.

To kick off this month, I've got an update for you all on the hat pattern project! I have been plugging away and have FOUR new patterns that are ready to be released. They will be going live in the Crafted by Life Designs Etsy Shop, and they are the Bunny, Thing 1 & 2, Batman and TNMT (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle) Hat patterns!

As a big thank you to my patreon supporters, anyone who is a paid member as of today will be receiving a message to your inbox- allowing you to select one of these four hat patterns for FREE! (This may not come out immediately following this post, I do have a day job and also take advantage of scheduling posts to save me from forgetting them)

Are you a free member but wish you could get these freebies? Sign up for my patreon today! I'm going to be releasing somewhere around 50 hat patterns in the next year, and my paid supporters are getting one every time I do a drop of new patterns! In addition to that, you'll gain access to my paid supporter pattern library, which includes an ever growing list of patterns (I try to add new stuff every month!)

Join here today: 

Check out my Tikky Takky!

So I've done something I never thought I would do.  I have jumped outside of my comfort zone and started a TikTok page - an "ArtTok," if you will.  So far I don't have too many videos out, but I have a bunch of content that I have already recorded and am now putting together to share, as well as a bunch of new ideas that will be featured in the coming months.

I hope that you will check me out!


Update on the new website and what's to come!

I figured after a couple of months of really hard work, it's time for another update on the new website and all the new happenings in my atmosphere!

First up, the website:

Visit me here: Atmospheric Noise

I have been doing a lot of work to get this to a happy place.  After decades of work on art in all formats, I have files all over the place and thought I had an organizational system that suited my work, but I'm discovering through this process that I don't really have things the way that I would like them.  Much of my time has been spent going through my back catalog of work to figure out what items that I want to feature and sell on my website.  I decided that a lot of my work done in certain periods was all thematically similar, so I've decided to break them up into what I'm calling "curations."  Similar themes, gathered together and featured for a period of time.  As my current work is filled with flowers, I started with a curation called "wild flowers."  I personally love this as my first curation, and it's filled with some great stuff and more to come!  I've got four more planned curations and probably a bunch more that I'll figure out as I work through this organizational project.  For now though, the website is live, it's organized well, and my art is now available for purchase there, under my control, instead of someone else's.  

Eventually, all of my "non-printable" art/work will be available for purchase here.  At this point in time, I still plan on keeping all of my paid patterns and printables on my etsy shop rather than moving them over to the new website.  I do plan on featuring some of my patterns on the website, but you'll still have to go to my etsy shop in order to purchase.  I will also be building up my digital product catalog on my Patreon site as well for more exposure. 

Next, updates to my Patreon!:

I got behind on practically everything to do with my Patreon site over the past few months.  I have recently gotten back to posting and now I am back on track.  This month is one of the best months to join me as a paid subscriber - I just released two new Patreon Supporter ONLY patterns that you won't want to miss: 

Aquaman Superman

These two new silhouette patterns can only be found in my Patreon pattern library, which is available to all of my $5 subscribers!

Additionally, my hat project (you'll get the joke if you join the Patreon) is in full swing and this month will be the first month that all of my subscribers get to pick a free pattern PDF out of the newest patterns!  This post will be coming out in a week, and only those who are members when the post gets released will get the freebie, so join up today!!!


Yes, I know it's called TikTok, but how else am I supposed to troll on the teenagers in my life than calling it the TikkyTakky?!??!  And yes, I finally joined. I have no followers yet, so I would really love it if you would come and support me as I begin sharing more videos about what's going on in my studio world!  I'm currently working on a super fun new series that I plan on sharing in the next few weeks, and there will be FREE patterns that come from it! :)

I think that's about everything - but let me re-iterate that it is a GREAT time to be one of my supporters! 

Valentine's Boxes {Craft Project}

*This post was available as an Early Access offering from my Patreon page.  If you would like to get first access to free tutorials, patterns and more, please check it out! 

Everyone has been there.  It's the night before Valentine's day and you need a box to take to school and receive all your treats in, but you didn't plan ahead and now you need to rush to cobble something together.  I'm here to tell you, it doesn't need to be difficult and you can make something cool with materials you have in your own house.

Valentine's Boxes Craft Project

Materials Needed:

A cereal box
Brown Kraft paper
Stickers or colored papers

Start with your cereal box and cut a hole where ever you would like people to insert the Valentines.  We did ours on the front side of the box.

Wrap the box in Kraft paper like you would a present, but apply glue under the paper so it adheres to the box.  Find the hole you cut in the cardboard box and cut a slit in the middle of it.

Fold the paper into the box and glue down for a nice opening.

Let your child use their imagination and place stickers, paper cutouts and draw on the box as they want to.
I added a piece of ribbon to the top of the box to serve as a carrying handle.

Enjoy your Valentine's box that you made in less than an hour!!